The Henry Farm executive works with residents, city councillors, city officials as well as provincial and federal member’s of parliament, in order to protect the interest of and help shape our community.
The executive plans and organizes many events as described in the events section. To do this, monthly meetings are held generally on the first Tuesday of each month. Would you like to be part of our community executive?
Executive Team
The executive team is elected each year at the Annual General Meeting typically held in November. Here is the executive committee for 2023/2024.

- Position : President
- Held By : Wendy Petcoff
- Email : president@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Secretary
- Held By : Dunja Lackovic
- Email : secretary@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Treasurer
- Held By : Jim Kitchen
- Email : treasurer@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Advertising Coordinator
- Held By : Steve O’Keefe
- Email : advertising@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Social Activities
- Held By :
- Email : eventshenryfarm@gmail.com

- Position : Membership Chair
- Held By : Kelly Perrin
- Email : membership@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Municipal Affairs
- Held By : Peter Erwood
- Email : municipal@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Neighbourhood Watch/Police Liaison
- Held By : Eileen Crichton
- Email : nwatch@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Newsletter Distribution
- Held By : Barb Simpson
- Email : newsletter@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Newsletter Editor
- Held By : Merida Lake
- Email : newsletter@henryfarm.ca

- Position : Web Administrator/Creative
- Held By : Joseph Ceneda
- Email : admin@henryfarm.ca
Members at Large
Laura Norris
Jonathan Mousley
Sherry Golisky
Brenda Rosenberg